But one day we may awake and discover we are challenged by a sudden loss, unexpected or mysterious event or life transition we cannot easily resolve. An old hurt may have emerged tugging awareness away from daily tasks and not allowing restful sleep. Or we are abruptly faced with the recognition that personal beliefs upon which we have based our life no longer support who we believe we are, or who we desire to become.
We may have finally arrived at a point of exhaustion with the struggle; or a sudden unwillingness to continue compromising with what has held us captive in life: whether this be a self-identity based on unworthiness, shame or guilt, or a life run by worrisome thoughts, sadness, or disempowerment.
In the midst of these challenges, we may suddenly find ourselves struggling to manage overwhelming feelings, physical signs of stress, or uncomfortable thoughts with skills or choices that are no longer of benefit.
We may long for a deeper connection with others, and now begin to understand, that this first requires a loving and caring relationship with our self.

This call to change may emerge with a gentle or loud voice. It may lovingly guide or prod with insistence. Our immediate suffering captures our attention but this distress is most often, only a symbol that requests deeper exploration.
The inner call is rich with possibility and can ultimately draw us toward increased self-awareness, discovery of our unique life path and development of the wisdom and courage needed to realize its new form.
As you seek allies to aid and honor this invitation, know that an experienced therapist can provide helpful guidance and support when the road you travel is hidden or feels uncertain.
I am familiar with this journey, and am deeply appreciative of the opportunity to be of assistance to you.
Philosophical Approach
My work emerges from a Transpersonal and Integrative Perspective, which seeks to support and harmonize all facets of our human journey. This approach incorporates a wealth of modalities to directly address your current concerns. Creating resources, enhancing strengths and skills to support long term goals and personal development is the supporting framework we continue to build and reinforce throughout our work.I begin from the belief that humans are born intrinsically whole, filled with an innate wisdom and individual journey unique to each. Though our early life may not have supported this view, or through the lens of difficult life circumstances we may have lost sight of it, the present moment offers choice.
No matter what has come before, we always hold the opportunity, and can make the choice to create something new.

I draw from over 50 years of work experience, education and personal life study, to offer tools from Eastern, Western and Indigenous psychological and wisdom traditions. Strategies are chosen to best support your needs and goals with a priority on offering techniques and perspectives that honor individual culture, tradition and personal values.
I am experienced and delight in working with individuals of many cultures, traditions, religious, spiritual and humanistic beliefs. My practice honors and supports those living both traditional and “alternative” lifestyles.
Psychotherapy, Counseling and Soul Friending
“Medicine” whether mental, emotional or physically oriented utilizes are variety of descriptors, labels and jargon words often difficult to understand. In the mental health field, professional titles such as “Counselor” and “Therapist” are frequently interchangeable. When beginning my practice I chose to use the word “Psychotherapy” to describe the services I offer. This choice was based upon the spiritual and deep psychology associations of the word and how the story of its origins best described the philosophy which underlie my practice and the variety of services I provide.
The word, “Psychotherapy” is Greek in origin. Psyche is the Soul. Originally a mortal, Psyche suffered many trials and was eventually granted immortality and reunion with Eros, her lover and Heart. Psyche’s travail is a metaphor for our inner journey from fragmentation to reunion with our Whole Self.
“Psych” in psychotherapy represents the human spirit journeying through suffering to healing. “Therapeia” meaning “service” and also “attendant” (theraps) provides an interpretation of “Psychotherapy” as a service to help a client move through suffering to healing and spiritual re-connectedness. I see my role as psychotherapist as a midwife of sorts, guiding this process toward Wholeness and manifestation of our highest human potentials.
“Soul Friending or Soul Friend” is a term recently, re-emerging from the Celtic tradition and described in Gaelic as “anam cara”. Philosopher and writer, John Donohue, has beautifully presented this tradition in his book, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom (HarperCollins Publisher, 1997).
Donohue relates that “anam cara” originally referred to a teacher, companion or spiritual guide, to whom you would “reveal your innermost self, your mind and your heart.” The sharing is “offered without mask or pretension.” This transparency, accepted by the soul friend with open hearted compassion and love, allows the other to experience a feeling of “recognition and belonging.” When we can recognize being held in this way, though it be only one other, we can then more easily carry this acceptance into relationship with others, open ourselves to “exploration of the Great Mystery” and what is often the more difficult, be willing to create and accept a loving friendship within ourselves.
I seek to incorporate the essence and spirit of “Soul Friending” into the Transpersonal Psychotherapeutic healing and all the modalities I offer.
My Strengths Are Directed Toward:
- Addressing your present distress with respectful, compassionate, deep listening while also teaching you helpful strategies to create a space of rest in the midst of the discomfort.
- Offering Transpersonal practices and modalities to guide you toward increased awareness, insight and relationship with the various aspects of yourself. These practices also encourage development of a friendly curiosity and compassionate foundation from which to explore present experience and the roots of current distress.
- Empowering you with skills and support for envisioning next steps in your life. This includes creating and strengthening inner and outer resources to support positive choice and beneficial lasting change.

Areas of Specialty
I specialize in working with individual adults who find themselves challenged, gifted or awakened by the spectrum of human experience. Those who are drawn to work with me, often desire compassionate support, practical skills, enhanced perspective and guided challenge to fully embrace and embody their own life. My offerings are well suited to those drawn to holistic, complimentary and integrative approaches that honor spiritual and intuitive dimensions.I Offer Support For The Following Issues:
Transitions Across the Life Span
Post Trauma Resiliency
Loss and Grief
Support for Life Threatening Illness
Support for the Dying
Spirituality/Existential Issues
Care for the Healer and Activist
Spiritual Emergence
Integrating Mystical~Extraordinary Experiences
“Soul Loss”
Support for the Empathic and Highly Sensitive
Creating a Balanced Life

The following pages on this site offer additional information about my training, philosophical orientations and the therapeutic modalities and services I offer.
Transpersonal ~ Integrative Psychotherapy
Mindfulness ~ Contemplative Based Counseling
Transpersonal ~ Soul Guided Hypnotherapy
Spirit Path Medicines ~ Shamanic Practices
Subtle Energy Medicines
‘Soul Blossoming~Embodied Soul’
Midwifery and Coaching

Call or email me today to schedule an initial 20 Minute Complimentary Consultation to explore mutual “match” and how my services may be of assistance to you.Offerings:
Transpersonal ~ Integrative Psychotherapy
Mindfulness ~ Contemplative Based Counseling
Transpersonal ~ Soul Guided Hypnotherapy
Spirit Path Medicines ~ Shamanic Practices
Subtle Energy Medicines
‘Soul Blossoming~Embodied Soul’
Midwifery and Coaching

Copyright © 2008-2019; Willow Ann Rose - SpiritWell. All rights reserved.